Fact-Checking Policy
Accuracy Commitment for NorthLiveNews.com
At NorthLiveNews.com, we are steadfast in our commitment to providing accurate and reliable information across all our content. To uphold this commitment, we adhere to the following principles:
a) Investigative Rigor: We approach claims with skepticism, question assumptions, and challenge conventional wisdom. Our journalists are dedicated to a thorough investigation process that ensures the accuracy of the information we present to our readers.
b) Due Accuracy Standard: Our commitment to accuracy is paramount to our reputation. We adhere to a ‘due accuracy’ standard, ensuring that the accuracy of our content is not only adequate but also appropriate for the subject and nature of the material. We explicitly mention any constraints that may influence these expectations.
c) Well-Sourced and Corroborated Content: All our output, relevant to its content and nature, is well-sourced, based on available evidence, and corroborated. We strive for honesty and transparency about what we know, acknowledging and avoiding unfounded speculation.
d) No Plagiarism or Deliberate Distortion: Our writers never engage in deliberate plagiarism or distort facts or context, including visual information. We uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity in presenting information accurately and ethically.
e) Independent Verification: We seek independent verification from sources, especially when dealing with claims, information, or allegations made by public officials or those with agendas beyond reporting the truth. Claims that cannot be corroborated are attributed accordingly.
f) Accountability and Correction: NorthLiveNews.com stands by the information it publishes, deeming it to be accurate. In the rare instance that an error is identified, we commit to promptly correcting the information. We do not knowingly mislead our audience and acknowledge serious factual errors transparently and appropriately.
g) Public Reporting Mechanism: We value the input of our audience in maintaining accuracy. We have a ‘contact’ section, where readers/public can report any inaccuracies or errors in our reportage.
By upholding these principles, we strive to deliver news content that is not only informative but also trustworthy. Our commitment to accuracy is an ongoing process, and we appreciate the trust our audience places in NorthLiveNews.com.